Advantage Insurance Quote Services

Have you made the decision to purchase an insurance policy? If so, congratulations! You have taken the first step toward guaranteeing a solid financial future for those you love and care about the most.

No one wants to think about their own death. Nonetheless, the reality is that we are all going to pass at sometime or another. Wouldn't you feel better knowing that you will still be able to take are of your family even after your death?

Let Us Help You Decide on the Right Policy!

At our company, we understand the importance of finding the right policy to meet the needs of you and your loved ones. Sorting through all of the different types of insurance policies available can be a confusing and overwhelming chore. For that reason, we are pleased to provide you with information regarding different types of insurance policies, including:

  • Term
  • Whole Life
  • Universal
  • Key Man
  • Second to die
  • Group Policies
  • Mortgage
  • Smokers

By providing you with information regarding each of these types of insurance, you can make an educated decision when it comes to determining which is right for you.

Let Us Make Comparing Prices Simple!

By taking advantage of our many contacts with reputable insurance companies throughout the country, you can easily compare the policies and rates of a number of different insurance companies. In this way, you can avoid the hassles of contacting the literally hundreds of insurance agencies out there - we have already narrowed your choices down to the best available companies so you don't have to!

Are you looking for a policy? Then all you need to do is visit this page, enter information such as your birthday, state of residence, health status, length of the term desired and a few other pieces of information.

Our online system will then bring up the quote of over 25 insurance companies and we will listed them in order from the least expensive to the most expensive. Once you find the company or companies that you are the most interested, you will simply fill in our online address form and an application will be sent to you right away. It really is that easy!

If you are interested in a whole life policy or a term life policy in any of the other areas covered by our company, you will visit the appropriate page and will follow the same simple procedure.

Of course, if you are confused about the type of coverage you need or if you are ever uncertain about the company or the policies they offer, you are always free to contact one of our friendly customer service representatives.

So, what are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose when shopping for insurance online - and you can do it all from the comfort of your home.

Insurance Rate Quote Service

Shopping for the best rates can be a time-consuming and even overwhelming and confusing process. After all, there are so many different types of insurance policies to select from. In addition, you will want to find the company that will offer you the most coverage at the best price for you and your family situation.

Selecting a Reputable Company Contacting all of the reputable insurance companies throughout the country that would be willing to provide you with quotes is nearly impossible for just one person to do. After all, how are you supposed to know which companies are reputable without first researching each one of them thoroughly?

Choosing a insurance company without a good reputation and a strong financial backing can result in devastating effects. If the company is struggling, you could have your policy unexpectedly cancelled – no one wants to pay money into a term policy that won’t actually be there when it is needed. With the help of an insurance rate quoting service, you can take comfort in knowing that all of the term companies being recommended to you are reputable providers that will be around for years to come.

Choosing the Best Coverage Options

Although all insurance companies are similar in what they offer, not all companies are created equally. Some have minimum and maximum limits on how much coverage they will provide. Therefore, if you are only looking for a small amount of coverage, some insurance companies may not cater to that need. Similarly, if you want a great deal of coverage, some companies may not be willing to issue policies in the amount that you need. Therefore, you will need to shop around in order to find the company that provides the amount of coverage you desire.

In addition to the amount of coverage that various insurance quoting companies will provide you with, you will also need to consider the fine print within the policies. For example, some insurance policies will allow you to cash in on them if the insured person is critically or terminally ill while others will not allow the policy to be paid out until the insured has actually passed away. Having the option to cash in the policy when terminally or critically ill can be an important feature as it can help you and your family get through the rough financial times that may develop as a result of your illness before you pass away. With the help of an insurance rate quote service, you can quickly and easily compare the policies of numerous insurance companies in order to find the one that is right for you.

Finding the Best Price and Cheapest Rates

Obviously, a wise consumer will try to find the proper coverage at the best price possible. For that reason, you will also want to compare the premium rates of various insurance companies. Once you have settled on the amount of coverage you would like and the type of policy you desire, you can take that information and find out how much that policy will cost when purchased from various insurance companies.

With an insurance quote service, you can compare many different policies all at once in order to make your final decision and select the company and policy you wish to purchase.

Term insurance is a form of insurance that is in place for only a specific period of time. During this period of time, you will be required to make your regular monthly payments in order to maintain the coverage. If there is a lapse in the payments, your policy will be cancelled and your beneficiaries will not receive a pay out if you should happen to pass away.

How Does Term Compare to Whole?

The two most basic forms of life insurance are term and whole. With term, your policy will expire after a specific amount of time has passed – whether you have died or not. If you do pass away during the time of your coverage, your beneficiary will receive the predetermined death benefit that the policy is set up to pay out. Unlike whole coverage, the term policy does not have a cash value.

Because these insurance policies are only in place for a certain amount of time rather than for your entire lifetime, this form of insurance is generally more costly than whole insurance. This is because the intent of whole life coverage is for the person to keep the policy during is or her entire lifetime and, since the person will theoretically live for several years longer than the typical term policy, he or she will have plenty of time to pay into the policy.

Who Would Need a Term Coverage?

There are many situations in which a person may wish to purchase term coverage. For example, parents may be interested in acquiring this type of policy that will be in place until their children reach a certain age. That way, they can take comfort in knowing that their children will be financially secure in the event of their passing.

A person that will be engaging in a risky endeavor, such as learning how to fly or traveling to a third world country, may also wish to purchase a policy to cover them while they are away. Of course, engaging in these activities may make the rate of the policy more costly.

For those that are quite elderly, finding an insurance company that will issue a term policy may also be a better option than purchasing whole coverage.

Finding a Company to provide Online Quotes

There are literally hundreds of insurance companies available that will be willing to give you a quote. When trying to find one, it is helpful to enlist in the services of an online site such as AdvantageTermLife to help you compare the policies and rates of a number of different insurance companies.

Keep in mind that the number of years you keep your policy in place and the amount of coverage you desire will both have an affect on the cost of your insurance policy. So, be certain to purchase a policy that will be in force for only as long as you will need it and that will pay out only as much as you will need.

Whole Life Policy Rates

Whole life insurance is a type of insurance that provides you with coverage for your entire life. Although this is typically more expensive than cheaper term insurance, the premiums on these do not increase over time and they do not expire. In addition, whole life plans build a cash value over time. As such, you can actually cash in on your whole coverage at some point in your life if you need to acquire some emergency funds before your death actually occurs. Or, you can cash in on the value if you decided to cancel your policy at a later date.

Why Get a Quote on This Type of Policy?

An alternative to obtaining a whole life policy is the term life policy. A term policy, however, is only good for a specific amount of time. If you do not die during this period of time, the money you paid in premiums is gone and no beneficiary benefited from your policy. In many ways, this makes it feel as if the money was “wasted.” In addition, once your term life policy expires, it can be difficult to obtain a new coverage.

Employee Group Life Insurance

Group coverage is a form of life insurance that you may choose to provide to your employees as a business owner. With these discounts, your employees can enjoy the benefits of having a plan without having to pay the same high prices they would have to pay if they were to purchase it on their own.

Why You Should Offer Group Coverage to Your Employees

Offering insurance to your employees is a smart move to make if you wish to draw in high-quality employees. Skilled and educated employees will seek out employment opportunities that provide them with the best benefits. Therefore, the better benefits you offer to your employees, the better pool of applicants you will have to select from.

When you offer life insurance as a part of your benefits package, you make employment with your company far more attractive. Not only will this help you to gain quality employees, it will also help you to retain them.

Who Needs these Policies

Businesses are not the only ones that can benefit from these plans. In fact, churches, labor unions, non-profit groups, and service organizations can all purchase coverage polices for the members of their organizations.

Since each member of the organization is covered by a master policy, the company can maintain their policies at a lower price than if each person were to sign up on his or her own. This savings is then passed on to the members and each member is able to enjoy it at a cheaper cost that is far less he or she would otherwise have to pay.

Establishing an Employe Coverage Benefits Package

Once your company or organization determines the company you wish to work with, establishing a policy is quite easy. A representative of the company will sign each of your group members up within the plan. Then, you can simply remove the premium payments directly from the checks of your employees. If you are an organization rather than a business, however, you will need to have your members pay the monthly premiums or you can pay the premiums with the funds in the group’s account.

What to Expect from a this Coverage

These policies work in much the same way as any other package. If you should pass away, whomever you listed as your beneficiary will receive the amount that the policy is valued to be.

It should be noted that these policies are usually a form of term insurance. Therefore, when you quit working for your employer, your policy will no longer be in place. When considering changing jobs, this fact should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, if you may be out of work for several months or if you have to complete a probationary period before your policy becomes valid with your new employer, you might want to consider purchasing extra insurance on your own until you are once again covered by your employer.

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