Blog For Money

You want to make blog for money or get paid to your blog, you can choose is another sponsored site that will help you make money for your blog. Smorty is a service connecting advertisers with bloggers. Also with its affiliate program where you can earn more through your referrals. It is so easy to join in. Make money from your blogs writing opinion articles about advertisements. When their are ads available you will be notified through your email account or you can check on whats available yourself by login into your account, and looking to the sidebar to see what ads are available and then you choose the ads you want to write about and each ad has an amount that will be paid to you if your post have approved. Did not take much time to get approved, likes my blog just few a days. It is easy to do you read the ads and then from there you put it together using their ads as a guide. For the opportunities smorty will gave you money for review and they will paid with paypal. Some ads pay $6.00 others pay more. From this site you can add your blogs, I think it’s great. It’s new but the opportunities are limited currently but they are growing fast. Other blog for money places like to hang on to the money until you have twenty-five dollars. Smorty pays you right away, even if it is only six or twelve dollars. Smorty looks for quality bloggers who want to get paid to blog. If you like to write and make some money at the same time then start using Smorty services, Sign up and start making money on your blogs, get paid for your opinions, just click on the Smorty banner now and sign up, start earning cash today.

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