Remote Area Medical

Remote Area Medical

In partnership with local organizations, we are working to meet the immediate health-care needs of 188,000 Coal County residents in southwestern Virginia, while developing resources for sustained care. The main collaborative partners in the delivery of medical care at the Remote Areas Medical (RAM) Health Fair in Wise are the Lenowisco Health District, the St. Mary's Health Wagon, the local and state Lion's Clubs, University of Virginia Health System, Virginia Dental Foundation, and the Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corps.

Remote Area Medical

It was recognized from the beginning that only with the invitation of local providers and clear guidelines from them would or should UVA participate. UVA would provide as many of the requested services as we possibly could and would spend considerable time and energy interfacing with the participants from RAM, St. Mary's Health Wagon, the Lenowisco Health District and the Lion's Club. Without the trust and support of the local providers and citizens, we would only provide limited acute diagnoses to a system that needed coordinated, long-term and specialty care support.

Remote Area Medical

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